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Vivek Mehta

Qualitative Decision Making

Qualitative Decision Making


From the boardroom to your personal life, decision-making is the driving force behind every move you make. In order to make the right decisions, you need sufficient data. Qualitative decision-making is a process of making decisions based on subjective information, such as personal experiences, observations, and interpretations, rather than objective data. It is often used in many fields such as business, healthcare, education, and social sciences, where we need information on human behavior, emotions, and perspectives to make decisions. In this blog post, we will explore the concept of qualitative decision-making in depth, including its characteristics, benefits, and how it can be applied in real-world scenarios.

Not every data is in the form of numbers. Qualitative decision-making is that it is based on subjective information rather than numerical one. This means that the information used to make decisions is not quantifiable and cannot be measured using numerical data. Instead, it relies on personal experiences, observations, and interpretations, which are often more difficult to quantify.

Another characteristic of qualitative decision-making is that it is often continuous and dynamic. This means that decisions are not made based on a single piece of information, but rather through a process of collecting, analyzing, and refining information. As new information becomes available, decisions can be adjusted and refined, leading to a more adaptable and flexible approach to decision-making.

Quantitative Decision-Making - Benefits

The benefits of qualitative decision-making are many. Qualitative decision-making allows for a more in-depth understanding of a problem or issue. For example, in education, a qualitative approach would allow teachers and administrators to understand individual students' unique experiences and perspectives, rather than relying on quantitative data such as test scores to check the quality of their students and school. This can lead to more effective and targeted solutions for issues such as student engagement or achievement. Additionally, in many fields, the complexity of the problem or the context may not be fully quantifiable, and therefore, a qualitative approach can provide a better understanding.

Another benefit of qualitative decision-making is that it allows for flexibility and adaptability. Qualitative decision-making is based on subjective information, it can be adjusted as new information becomes available. This is particularly important in fields such as business, where the market and customer needs are constantly changing. Qualitative decision-making often involves a more iterative process, where decisions are refined and improved as more information is collected, making it a more dynamic and adaptable approach to decision-making.

Qualitative Decision-Making - Applications

Qualitative Decision-Making - Applications

In the business field, qualitative decision-making can be applied in various aspects such as market research, product development, and customer service. By conducting focus groups, in-depth interviews, and ethnographic studies, businesses can gain a deeper understanding of customer needs, preferences, and behavior. This information can then be used to inform product development, marketing strategies, and customer service. Additionally, qualitative research can provide valuable insights into customer decision-making processes, which can be used to improve overall business strategy.

It’s another application is in healthcare. Qualitative decision-making can be used to gain a deeper understanding of patient needs and experiences. For example, a hospital might conduct patient interviews to gain a better understanding of the patient’s experience and identify areas for improvement. This information can then be used to inform patient care and treatment. By understanding the patient's perspective and experiences, healthcare providers can create treatment plans that are tailored to their unique needs, leading to improved patient outcomes and satisfaction.

In education, qualitative decision-making can be used to gain a deeper understanding of student experiences and perspectives. Qualitative decision-making can be used by schools by conducting student interviews to gain insight into student engagement and achievement. This information can then be used to inform curriculum development and teaching strategies. By understanding the student's perspective, educators can create learning environments that are tailored to their needs, improving student engagement and achievement.


In conclusion, qualitative decision-making is a valuable approach that can provide a more in-depth and holistic understanding of complex problems and issues. Qualitative decision-making relies on subjective information, such as personal experiences and observations, which allows for a more human-centered approach to decision-making, which is particularly useful in fields such as business, healthcare, education, and social sciences. Additionally, the iterative and dynamic nature of qualitative decision-making allows for flexibility and adaptability, making it well-suited to fields where the context and circumstances are constantly changing. By incorporating a qualitative approach, organizations and individuals can make more informed and effective decisions that are tailored to the unique needs of their stakeholders.


Q: What’s the difference between qualitative and quantitative decision-making?

Ans: Qualitative and quantitative decision-making are different ways of making choices. Qualitative decision-making uses personal opinions and experiences, while quantitative uses numbers and data. They are used in different fields, with quantitative being used more in science and finance, and qualitative in social sciences and business.

Q: What are the methods for collecting qualitative data for companies and individuals?

Ans: Companies and individuals can collect qualitative data through methods such as interviews, focus groups, surveys, ethnographic studies, and observation. These methods allow them to gather personal experiences, opinions, and perspectives of individuals on a certain topic or issue.

Q: Where qualitative approach is not useful?

Ans: Qualitative decision-making may not be useful in fields where quick decisions with high certainty are needed or data is difficult to collect. An example is emergency medicine, financial analysis, and engineering. In some cases, a combination of both quantitative and qualitative decision-making may be more appropriate.

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