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  • Writer's pictureKamal Pandey



According to Hindu mythology, Roopkund got its name when Goddess Parvati and Lord Shiva were going back to Kailash after destroying the demons. She wanted to cleanse herself. Lord Shiva then created a pool with the assistance of his trident so that Goddess could bathe. While immersing herself in the lake, Parvati noticed her lovely reflection and was enchanted by it. Consequently, the lake was referred to as Roopkund.

Roopkund Lake

Roopkund Lake, tucked away in the Himalayas at a height of 5029 m, Roopkund Lake is a diminutive body of water (40 m across) that is popularly referred to as Skeleton Lake due to the presence of numerous ancient human remains around its borders.

Not much is known about where these skeletons come from since they have never been properly investigated by anthropologists or archaeologists. This may be possible because of the unstable state of the place, which often experiences landslides. Another reason is the often visited by local pilgrims and hikers who have manipulated the skeletons and removed many of the artifacts.

What is the mystery of Roopkund?

The mystery of Roopkund is surrounded by several theories that have been put forth to explain the roots of these bones. Local legends tell a narrative regarding a journey made to the near-at-hand shrine of the mountain goddess, Nanda Devi, by a ruler and his consort and their entourage, who due to their improper, festive behaviors were penalized by Nanda Devi's fury.

It has also been hypothesized that these are the remnants of an army or assemblage of peddlers who were engulfed in a tempest. Finally, it has been proposed that they were casualties of an outbreak.

Watch these two videos to know more the mystery of the roopkund

Roopkund trek

If you are trekking in Uttrakhand, India, the Roopkund trek is an absolute must! The trek promptly moves into amazing hilltop stretches. Ascending on snow to the Roopkund lake is an exhilarating rush. There are rock-strewn glaciers and snow-clad mountains surrounding the lake, which is roughly at an altitude of 16470 ft.

Roopkund trek height

Roopkund trek is a plentiful undulating pasture, frost and snow and the savour of a remarkable escapade as you ascend from 8,000 feet to 16,000 feet. The magnificent Mt Trishul hovers over the environment drawing nearer as it ascends high. When at a crest above Roopkund, only the sky partitions the hiker from them and Trishul.

Roopkund trek best time to visit

You can hike Roopkund during May and June and August and October. Only the first week of May and about the first week of July are suitable for hiking due to the harsh weather conditions. Because they are currently in their flowering season in June, Ali and Bedni's twin meadows make for fantastic viewing. The final week of August through the first week of October is an excellent time to go hiking in Roopkund. The weather is perfect for a hike, and the sky remains clear.

Is the Roopkund trek difficult?

Getting to Roopkund isn't difficult, but it's also not for the faint of heart. It is almost always those who come underprepared who are counting the pebbles on the hike rather than observing the scenery around them. The Roopkund path ascends out of magnificent dim forests suddenly arising into Ali and Bedni Bugyal, arguably India's most spectacular high-altitude meadows.

How long is Roopkund Trek?

This 9 days trek in Chamoli District is of moderate to difficult trekking grade.

View the beautiful forest trails at Lohajung. Trek all day through Didna village to Roopkund Glacier Lake. Ali Bugyal a day of hiking taking in the summit views of the Garhwal Himalayas. Enjoy the sweeping vistas, Ghora Lotani. Explore the Himalayan in magpie. Bhagwabasa, a full day of trekking with icy winds all around. Discover Bedni Bugyal, take in Roopkund Lake's pristine beauty and spot the Gangotri ranges. A memorable view of the Neelganga river, a trek through rhododendron forests and alpine meadows and Wan. Enjoy the beautiful scenery in Lohajung before returning home.

How do you prepare for Roopkund Trek?

The temperature is less significant in the lower fields, but you must layer up in the higher fields. In the highest camps, the temperature will be above zero degrees during the day and between zero and six degrees at night.

Keeping that in mind, pick the appropriate, necessary gear, discard the extras, and pack your backpack carefully. Your trip experience will be greatly improved. Follow a basic guideline when trekking. Simply leave out any goods that are readily available or are not necessary for survival at that height.

Depending on the space you have and the weight of your backpack, you may decide to keep some items for comfort. You may buy a lot of goods while traveling. But keep in mind that after you reach the Roopkund Trek wilderness, you won't be able to buy anything or ask anyone for anything. You must only rely on your backpack to stay alive.

Can beginners do Roopkund Trek?

Roopkund is a high-altitude trek with a high difficulty level. Although I have been with a group that included several first-timers and they were all able to complete it,

It is best to start with relatively easy treks such as Har ki Dun, Kedar Kantha, Tunganath-Chandrashila (very short and easy), Kuari Pass, Hampta Pass (medium-level treks), and so on.

The combination of the possibility of AMS, difficult terrain, and an unprepared body is lethal. Preparing your body for 1.5 months is highly recommended, along with the proper gear.

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